Tzvi (Henry) Gluksman er ikke lenger med oss
Det er med stor sorg vi må fortelle at vår kjære venn Tzvi (Henry) Gluksman fra Oslo ikke lenger er her sammen med oss. Tzvi ble skadet i en ulykke og døde i dag, fredag den 1. juni 2012, i Oslo, etter å ha kjempet i 9 dager for sitt liv.
Tzvi etterlater seg to barn og sin kone, Jolanta.
Informasjon angående begravelsen: se under.
Vi ber alle som har anledning å komme og vise sin deltagelse i begravelsen.
Tzvi var en meget bestemt og modig person som aldri var redd for å stå for sine meninger. Han var et stort menneske og vil bli dypt savnet.
Vi lyser fred over Tzvis minne.
ההלויה של צבי הנרי גלוקסמן תתקים ביום שני בשעה 1 בצהריים בבית הקברות היהודי בהלספיר אוסלו.
Zvi Henry Gluksman funeral will take place at Monday 13:00 in the Jewish cemetery, Helsfyr, Oslo.
Informasjon fra rabbi Shaul:
The funeral of Tzvi (Henry) Gluksman ז״ל – will take place Monday 04.06.12 at 13.00 at the Jewish cemetery in Helsfyr.
Following the funeral, (approx 15.00), the family will gather at our home.
Please feel free to attend either or both of the above and show respect to both the deceased and his family.
The family will be sitting ‘Shiva’ here in Oslo. We will inform you of the details as they become available.
Many emails are coming to us, expressing sorrow at this time. I have relayed some of these to the family who find it very comforting to know how many have such fond memories of Tzvi.
May I ask that you email theses beautiful memories, thoughts, condolences etc. directly to his family in either Hebrew or English. With their permission, I share the email addresses.
Jola: [email protected]
Eran: [email protected]
Rachel: [email protected]
Our prayers that our dear Father in Heaven comfort each the family members and many friends, giving them the strength needed to overcome this difficult time.
Hamakom Yenachem etchem betoch sha’ar Avajlaj Tzion Ve’Jerushalajim – May G‑d console you, together with all mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.