Topp ti antisemittiske hendelser

Simon Wiesenthal Center har publisert en rapport om de ti verste antisemittiske hendelser i 2020.

From the earliest stages of the pandemic in February 2020, far-right extremists across social media platforms blamed Jews and Asian Americans for the virus. A fake Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warning suggested anyone infected visit a local synagogue or mosque to spread the deadly virus. Another posting with an image titled “Holocough’’ urged, “If you have the bug, give a hug. Spread the flu to every Jew.” Anti-Semites have blamed Jews for the medieval Black Plague to the WWI Spanish Flu. In the 1930s, Nazi propaganda compared Jews to vermin who spread disease. Potential vaccines brought anti-vaxxers to the streets in Germany which included anti-Semitic signs from far-right protesters. And as vaccines begin to be distributed globally in December, a UK Government report indicates that some anti-vaxxer online forums are “rife with anti-Semitism.”

Les rapporten her… (pdf)

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