Program for Holocaust-dagen

Wiesenthal-senteret har et innholdsrikt program for deg som skjønner engelsk. Verdt å få med seg.

Watch the Simon Wiesenthal Center’s global program, in partnership with The King Hamad Global Centre for Peaceful Coexistence, featuring leaders and peacemakers from the Gulf, Indonesia, Israel, and the United States, commemorating International Holocaust Remembrance Day.

«From the ovens of Auschwitz and the rubble of two world wars, there emerged a broad-based aspiration to establish a new world order, founded upon the highest civilizational and humanitarian ideals… We do not have time to wait for anger, hatred and a collective yearning for revenge to subside. Our actions will determine what kind of world our children and grandchildren inherit” — KH. Yahya Cholil Staquf

Hear from Israel’s President Isaac Herzog; former Israeli Chief Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau who is also a child Holocaust survivor; KH. Yahya Cholil Staquf, General Chairman of Indonesia’s 90-million-member Nahdlatul Ulama (NU); Rabbi Marvin Hier, CEO and Founder of Simon Wiesenthal Center and Museum of Tolerance; Former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and Reverend Johnnie Moore, leading American Evangelical Pastor and former member of the US Commission for Religious Freedom.

→ Use this link to view the program


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