Round Up: Top Destinations

Whatever the level of support you require, we are sure that we will have a package that meets your needs. All of our virtual professionals are highly experienced in the areas in which they work and have been through a thorough recruitment process to ensure they deliver to the high standard that you would want for your business.

For more information on all of our services please take a look at the Services page of our website.

Sub page

Our most popular service is our Virtual Receptionist. We know that sometimes it’s difficult to get to the phone if you are in the middle of something and you don’t want to miss that important call that could be the start of an exciting new business opportunity, so let us answer it for you.

Our basic package, which operates within weekday working hours, starts at £25 per month. We will answer your calls with your company name, try and put them through to you and if you can’t take it we will take a message, which we will then email or text to you – you decide.

If you require a receptionist service for extended hours or to include weekends or bank holidays then we have packages that cost up to £80 and with every package you can add additional options such as voicemail services for a small additional charge.

For a full list of prices please take a look at our table of pricing plans.

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