Image: Editorial Shoot

This is a Post Format Image and is for an editorial shoot. A set of letters he did for his new nephew, Joel. His sister-in-law wanted a transportation theme. Printed on canvas, stretched around wooden frames.

Who studied German literature, German literature is, who is studying medicine, is doctor who studies physics is physics, but who studied philosophy, this will by no philosopher.

But I would say that the study of philosophy according to specialization may be an ideal preparation for the Informationsachitekten. For philosophy teaches one to work on and to the order of the terms.

A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.

Who studied German literature, German literature is, who is studying medicine, is doctor who studies physics is physics, but who studied philosophy, this will by no philosopher. But I would say that the study of philosophy according to specialization may be an ideal preparation for the Informationsachitekten. For philosophy teaches one to work on and to the order of the terms.

Recording and reflecting on the work in progress

Intuitiveness can be broken down into a sort of ladder, or a cake with three layers: legibility at the top, metaphor in the middle, and skills at the bottom. By way of example, the concept of scrolling (which we hardly give any thought to) relies on all of them:

  1. It has to be legible. Legibility is about having cues or signals that are unambiguous and recognizable.
  2. Metaphor is the framing concept. In the case of scrolling, either you think of a scroll (the papyrus kind!), where one end rolls up and the other end unrolls to reveal more text, or you think of a window in space that you pan around.
  3. Skills are the motor skills that you pick up. It’s the physical ability to click your mouse on up/down arrows, or to slide your finger across the scroll wheel.

For better or worse, we live in a world of media invention. Instead of reusing a stable of forms over and over, it’s not much harder for us to create new ones. Let’s buy this theme.

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